mcclure bros.
music & design
original music
custom design
Composing Music
“Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.”
– Leonard Bernstein
I’m excited to share the first of my “Story Moments” with The Hero’s Hope. My goal is to capture feeling and invoke imagination to the listener much like Film music immerses us in the magic of storytelling. Think of these short pieces as moments in a story…Music by Toby McClure
Watch my entry to HBO’s WestWorld Film Scoring competition. #westworldscoringcompetition2020
Let’s DO
website design

Imagination with Results.
Print Material
Custom logo, flyers, business cards and stationary – let us create a creative and beautiful print package for you.
Website Design
Powerful in design and practicality, our “grab-your-attention” designs are crafed to promote your services.
Social Media
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn – let us help take your brand to the hearts of social media immersion.
Offers & Details
Hosting Plan
Secure Site Certificate
Logo Design
Website Development
Music Composition
Real Melody.
Real Harmony.
how we work
creative solutions
Whether you’re needing original music for your production, or a new website to show it off, we have you covered.
Let’s brainstorm and imagine creative ways to tell your story.
Let’s see how we can shape your idea musically or with digital storytelling.
The fun part! Let’s see it in action.
what They’re Saying
Client Testimonials
I had the priveledge of meeting Cody and Toby years ago and ever sense then, they have been my go-to collaboators! They helped me get my business up and running with business cards, stationary, etc. then worked with on a new website and soical media package. Bravo!
As a professor from the University, I worked with the guys as they composed original music for a campus-wide tour. It was a fantastic experience and their film music style raised the barr for future productions to come. It was a real enjoyment working with the twins!
Website Pricing Plans
Here are some of our more popular options.
1/2 down then low monthly fees- 1/2 down at startup then low monthly payments are made until site is paid in full.
6 Month Payment Solution- Payments are spread equally over a six-month period with a larger down payment at startup.
1-2 Year Solution- Typically for larger sites and for those wishing to make monthly payments. We ask for a larger down payment then agree upon a monthly payment (usually $200/month) until the site is paid for.
*Please contact us directly for quotes.
What You Get
WEB Design
Hosting & domain setup
Social Media
Account Setup
Original Music
Contact us today
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